Copyright © 2020, Health and Social Care Information Centre. The Health and Social Care Information Centre is a non-departmental body created by statute, also known as NHS Digital.
For New Registrations
To register as a patient at County Surgery, please fill in our online application form by clicking the “register now” button above or call in to collect a new patient registration pack. In order to register at the practice, you need to be within our practice area (the map is above the para) and have proof of address that you currently live within this area. If filling in via a pen, please bring two forms of ID at least one of which must be a photo ID and one to show proof of address. We request ID upon registration for as a standard for security reasons though we are obliged to accept registrations for patients who cannot provide ID or proof of address.
All new patients are allocated a Named GP upon registration. This is an administrative task only and does not affect your choice of clinician within the surgery.
When you have registered as a new patient, we will arrange for your medical records to be transferred to the surgery from your previous surgery. Please be aware that the transportation of paper records can take a couple of weeks and this is beyond our control.